Being in a car crash can be a jarring situation for anyone. You may be dealing with an injury or wondering who to call, but fortunately, there are a few ways you can ensure you are in a safe spot to deal with the events to follow. Read on for just a few ways you can better protect yourself following the event of a car crash.
Check for InjuriesA car accident, no matter how minor it may seem, can still result in an injury. Injuries may not always be apparent when you're involved in a car accident. By taking the following steps, you can help assess whether or not you've incurred an injury as a result of the crash. As always, be sure to communicate any immediate medical needs to paramedics on the scene to ensure you receive the care you need.
Look for Obvious InjuriesIf you find yourself in the unfortunate event of a car accident, check your body for any signs of obvious injuries. Doing a visual scan of your body is an excellent way you can check for any impairments that have resulted from the crash. Broken bones, dislocated joints, cuts, burns, and bruises are all just a few examples of obvious injuries that will need to be treated as soon as possible.
Be Aware of How You Feel
Injuries that are not visible to the naked eye, such as whiplash, may go undetected before they become an issue. Strains on your neck, shoulders or internal injuries are serious and need to be evaluated by medical professionals as soon as possible. Be aware of how your body feels and be on the lookout for any unusual pains, aches, or areas of soreness you may experience in the following hours, days, and weeks after an accident.
Staying SafeYour safety and that of your loved ones should be the top priority if you find yourself involved in a crash. Even if you have not incurred any injuries as a result of the crash, you still need to make sure you're in a safe location. Here are just a few ways you can stay safe during the aftereffects of a car accident.
Take ShelterFirst, find a safe place to wait as you call the authorities and assess the situation. Be sure that you are away from the main roadway and in a secure spot that is not in the line of direct traffic. If you have small children or elderly individuals with you, make sure they are able to stay as cool as possible. Especially during the warmer months, you'll want to avoid exposure to excessive sun and heat. If needed, take shelter in a nearby gas station or air-conditioned area.
Stay HydratedMaking sure you stay hydrated should also be at the top of your list of priorities during this time. Even if you are uninjured, the scene of a car accident can often be a frenzy. Dealing with police, paramedics, and calls to insurance companies can easily stretch into a few hours. During this time, be sure that you are drinking plenty of water. This is especially important if you are in a car accident during the summertime, as it can help to guarantee you're as safe as possible.
If you have found yourself in a car accident, know that help is available for you. Here at Erwin & Thompson LLP, we are committed to providing you with compassionate and efficient legal representation. Do not hesitate to
reach out to us
in the event of a crash to better protect yourself and your loved ones. We will work hard to bring attention to your case and meet your specific needs. Contact us at your earliest convenience.